Customer Information Risk to Business Business Core Values Do Not Know
Email Address:
Phone Number: 917042119076
Describe a Project: no
Business Risk: no
Shared Value: it is important
Do Not Know: no
Estimated Project Cost: 917042119076
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 22-7-2024
Share Your Ideas About SDG: no
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Full Name: Alexander Coles
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07507687407
Describe a Project: test
Business Risk: test
Shared Value: test
Do Not Know: teat
Estimated Project Cost: 5000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 29-6-2024
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test
Payment Option: No
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Good Health and Well-being
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Reduced Inequality
Full Name: Thomas Yudistira
Email Address:
Phone Number: 08811231965
Describe a Project: training
Business Risk: Risk to bisnis
Shared Value: bisnis core value
Do Not Know: do not know
Estimated Project Cost: 08811231965
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 21-5-2024
Share Your Ideas About SDG: Training
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Full Name: Thomas Yudistira
Email Address:
Phone Number: 08811231965
Describe a Project: training HRDD
Business Risk: HAM
Shared Value: busines core values
Do Not Know: Do not Know
Estimated Project Cost: 08811231965
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 20-5-2024
Share Your Ideas About SDG: HRDD
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Full Name: Joel Cladouhos
Email Address:
Phone Number: 907-244-2123
Describe a Project: Targeted legislation
Business Risk: ?
Shared Value: ?
Do Not Know: ?
Estimated Project Cost: 1
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 1-6-2024
Share Your Ideas About SDG: Supporting climate change and renewable energy goals and legislation
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Quality Education
Clean Water and Sanitation
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Good Health and Well-being
Gender Equality
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Reduced Inequality
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Full Name: Rhea Tonion
Email Address:
Phone Number: 533856650
Describe a Project: N/A
Business Risk: N/A
Shared Value: N/A
Do Not Know: do not know
Estimated Project Cost: 8
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 24-10-2023
Share Your Ideas About SDG: N/A
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Full Name: owbsb dood
Email Address:
Phone Number: 9461618
Describe a Project: 8g
Business Risk: fu
Shared Value: u
Do Not Know: h
Estimated Project Cost: 6
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 5-9-2023
Share Your Ideas About SDG: h
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Full Name: ekoenergia
Email Address:
Phone Number: +44668888777
Describe a Project: test
Business Risk: test
Shared Value: test
Do Not Know: test
Estimated Project Cost: 1233
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2011-04-15
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Good Health and Well-being
Affordable and Clean Energy
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Life on Land
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Partnerships for the Goals
Quality Education
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Reduced Inequality
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Full Name: Jaume
Email Address:
Phone Number: 0034611679009
Describe a Project: shebdidbzisbs gyjncf
Business Risk: edjbshjjhfth gyhnv
Shared Value: bdheb gyjbcfh
Do Not Know: ghvxthv
Estimated Project Cost: 1500
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 18-8-2023
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test
Payment Option: No
Good Health and Well-being
Clean Water and Sanitation
Reduced Inequality
Responsible Consumption and Production
Life Below Water
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Affordable and Clean Energy
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Life on Land
Partnerships for the Goals
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Climate Action
Full Name: scopuntech
Email Address:
Phone Number: +4487899999
Describe a Project: test desc
Business Risk: Scopun Tech
Shared Value: Scopun Tech
Do Not Know: test desc
Estimated Project Cost: 4353543
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2019-03-04
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test desc
Payment Option: No
Partnerships for the Goals
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Clean Water and Sanitation
Good Health and Well-being
No Poverty
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Life Below Water
Climate Action
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Clean Water and Sanitation
Gender Equality
Good Health and Well-being
Zero Hunger
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Life on Land
Responsible Consumption and Production
Reduced Inequality
Affordable and Clean Energy
Quality Education
Full Name: Quantum A Perez
Email Address:
Phone Number: 7203317379
Describe a Project: Green transportation as a foundation for my business.
Business Risk: using less oil will decrease production.
Shared Value: SDGs
Do Not Know: What is going to happen?
Estimated Project Cost: 500000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 1-2-2023
Share Your Ideas About SDG: Less expensive model coming soon.
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Full Name: Sian
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07484183568
Describe a Project: test test
Business Risk: test test
Shared Value: test test
Do Not Know: test test
Estimated Project Cost: 50000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-03-06
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test test
Payment Option: No
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Life on Land
Climate Action
Affordable and Clean Energy
Responsible Consumption and Production
Good Health and Well-being
No Poverty
Partnerships for the Goals
Life Below Water
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Good Health and Well-being
Zero Hunger
Full Name: TeamScopun
Email Address:
Phone Number: 2314321312
Describe a Project: not yet..
Business Risk: not yet
Shared Value: not yet
Do Not Know: not yet
Estimated Project Cost: 11233
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2020-05-04
Share Your Ideas About SDG: no yet
Payment Option: No
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Life on Land
Responsible Consumption and Production
Reduced Inequality
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Clean Water and Sanitation
Quality Education
No Poverty
Partnerships for the Goals
Life on Land
Life Below Water
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Reduced Inequality
Affordable and Clean Energy
Clean Water and Sanitation
Quality Education
Zero Hunger
No Poverty
Climate Action
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Gender Equality
Good Health and Well-being
Full Name: Center for Sustainable Action
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07484183568
Describe a Project: Creation of Social Utility Tokens on blockchain for companies to offset corporate carbon emissions
Business Risk: More business than we can handle with a small team and we will need more staff, we may also get lots more members
Shared Value: This project will strongly connect with my core value of SDG No. 11 of Sustainable Cities and Communities
Do Not Know: n/a
Estimated Project Cost: 50000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-04-01
Share Your Ideas About SDG: Create a consultancy program to support other NGOS and CICs to create their own utility tokens
Payment Option: No
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Partnerships for the Goals
Good Health and Well-being
Gender Equality
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Full Name: sammuel Yisrael
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07702262929
Describe a Project: Growing the Future” project will help us reopen our social café. will provide training in hospitality and cooking for 30 people . This in turn will strengthen the local economy and create wealth by tackling worklessness working with people who are unemployed, economically inactive, or actively out of work. Funding for ploughing the mind - 3 year plan to promote people’s self-esteem and overall wellness.
Business Risk: funding is required to be able to do these projects - obtaining ploughing the mind - 3 year provides great optunity
Shared Value: enables us to work towards helping people find Decent Work and provide Economic Growth
Do Not Know: ?
Estimated Project Cost: 100000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-12-24
Share Your Ideas About SDG: Recycling project
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Affordable and Clean Energy
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Life on Land
Partnerships for the Goals
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Full Name: Yakhshiev Shakhzod
Email Address:
Phone Number: +998998399498
Describe a Project: Education for SDGs
Business Risk: Reducing Risks
Shared Value: High Value
Do Not Know: Yeah
Estimated Project Cost: 1000000000000000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 7-10-2022
Share Your Ideas About SDG: Via zoom
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Full Name: Yakhshiev Shakhzod
Email Address:
Phone Number: +998998399498
Describe a Project: Education for SDGs
Business Risk: Reducing Risks
Shared Value: High Value
Do Not Know: Yeah
Estimated Project Cost: 1000000000000000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 7-10-2022
Share Your Ideas About SDG: Via zoom
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Full Name: W JAMES
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07724477788
Describe a Project: Test
Business Risk: test
Shared Value: test
Do Not Know: test
Estimated Project Cost: 3000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-06-06
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Good Health and Well-being
Gender Equality
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Clean Water and Sanitation
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Full Name: Eugenie Addison
Email Address:
Phone Number: +18767050222
Describe a Project: Complete active 150k orders present and enhance Senzi to not only detect specific pathogens, bacteria and gases within 145 square then filter it but also let it be accessible on the user smartphone devices through IoT Application.
Business Risk: Risk for Senzi.Me not able to contribute to zero hunger and partnering with other companies to help fight Global Warming and help fight climate risk person face such as Airborne diseases and Air pollution.
Shared Value: Senzi.Me core value is good health and well being with Sustainability cities and communities. Goal is to reduce the risk of people getting ill from Airborne diseases and person suffering from Air pollution.
Do Not Know: not applicable
Estimated Project Cost: 100000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-12-21
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Full Name: Lou James
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07724477788
Describe a Project: Test
Business Risk: Test
Shared Value: Test
Do Not Know: Test
Estimated Project Cost: 1300
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-10-06
Share Your Ideas About SDG: Test
Payment Option: No
Partnerships for the Goals
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Life on Land
Climate Action
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Affordable and Clean Energy
Gender Equality
Quality Education
Good Health and Well-being
Zero Hunger
No Poverty
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Affordable and Clean Energy
Clean Water and Sanitation
Zero Hunger
Life Below Water
Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Reduced Inequality
Full Name: L JAMES
Phone Number: 0772447788
Describe a Project: TEST
Business Risk: TEST
Shared Value: TEST
Do Not Know: TEST
Estimated Project Cost: 1000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-05-28
Share Your Ideas About SDG: TEST
Payment Option: No
Partnerships for the Goals
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Life on Land
Life Below Water
Climate Action
Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Affordable and Clean Energy
No Poverty
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Life on Land
Life Below Water
Responsible Consumption and Production
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Affordable and Clean Energy
Good Health and Well-being
Zero Hunger
Reduced Inequality
Quality Education
Clean Water and Sanitation
Gender Equality
Full Name: halesal salleh
Email Address:
Phone Number: +601139236277
Describe a Project: none
Business Risk: none
Shared Value: none
Do Not Know: none
Estimated Project Cost: 0
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 17-6-2022
Share Your Ideas About SDG: build big batter
Payment Option: No
Partnerships for the Goals
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Life on Land
Life Below Water
Climate Action
Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Reduced Inequality
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Affordable and Clean Energy
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Quality Education
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
No Poverty
Partnerships for the Goals
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Life on Land
Life Below Water
Climate Action
Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Reduced Inequality
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Affordable and Clean Energy
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Quality Education
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
No Poverty
Full Name: halesal salleh
Email Address:
Phone Number: +601139236277
Describe a Project: thank you
Business Risk: any one don\'t follow the world order will be left behind
Shared Value: 17 sdg
Do Not Know: kota kinabalu
Estimated Project Cost: 70000000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 20-6-2022
Share Your Ideas About SDG: 17 sustainable development goals
Payment Option: No
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Life on Land
Life Below Water
Climate Action
Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Affordable and Clean Energy
Clean Water and Sanitation
Gender Equality
Quality Education
Good Health and Well-being
Zero Hunger
No Poverty
Full Name: Eric VILLEPREUX
Email Address:
Phone Number: +33676031645
Describe a Project: Just registered my company in Gabon, My goal is to promote a better respect of the Environment within extractive industries by educating operational professionals, external stakeholders and authorities, through Masterclasses or presentations and as Technical Advisor on Environmentally friendly Drilling Operational Strategies. I am willing to engage in at least 10 Masterclasses in at least 3 different countries. My Company is "VEInterface" which stands for 'Value Environmental Interface'
Business Risk: Enlightning operational managers and authorities on the benefits of embrassing CSR and ESG strategies, to create win/win situations for all stakeholders.
Shared Value: Diversity, Environmental protection and Education.
Do Not Know: Marketing the project and reaching pertinent Executives poorly studied, Website is required.
Estimated Project Cost: 1000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-05-31
Share Your Ideas About SDG: Educating children on CSR and Sustainability could be very beneficial.
Payment Option: No
Partnerships for the Goals
Life on Land
Life Below Water
Climate Action
Responsible Consumption and Production
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Affordable and Clean Energy
Clean Water and Sanitation
Gender Equality
Quality Education
No Poverty
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Reduced Inequality
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Good Health and Well-being
Zero Hunger
Full Name: Veronica Ebanks
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07960614118
Describe a Project: Need to explore source and supply of raw ingredients
Business Risk: Environmental detriment due to raw materials being unsustainable, Damage to livelihoods of indigenous population, Exploitation of harvesters of raw materials
Shared Value: Ethical and sustainable supply chains that prevents poverty, provides education and damage to environment
Do Not Know: Not sure what impact risks to my business in relation to certain goals like below the water
Estimated Project Cost: 2000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-07-31
Share Your Ideas About SDG: visits to suppliers who supply certificated organic raw materials
Payment Option: No
Partnerships for the Goals
Life on Land
Climate Action
Responsible Consumption and Production
Reduced Inequality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Gender Equality
Quality Education
Good Health and Well-being
Zero Hunger
No Poverty
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Life Below Water
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Affordable and Clean Energy
Full Name: Olga Geidane
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07904971807
Describe a Project: To keep my own business as sustainable as possible To encourage my clients to go more sustainable, too
Business Risk: More likely will be an opportunity to make my business more attractive to those who are passionate about sustainability
Shared Value: To educate and inform as many organisations as possible as well as individuals
Do Not Know: How to get more engaged with all 17 areas of sustainability and how to apply them all to my business activities or consequences of those activities
Estimated Project Cost: 0
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-12-30
Share Your Ideas About SDG: Education - working on the project to support women in becoming more impactful and remarkable speakers as well as leaders through my program and establishing an association for women to connect globally.
Payment Option: No
Reduced Inequality
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Gender Equality
Quality Education
Good Health and Well-being
No Poverty
Partnerships for the Goals
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Life on Land
Climate Action
Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Affordable and Clean Energy
Clean Water and Sanitation
Zero Hunger
Life Below Water
Full Name: Olga Geidane
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07904971807
Describe a Project: To keep my own business as sustainable as possible To encourage my clients to go more sustainable, too
Business Risk: More likely will be an opportunity to make my business more attractive to those who are passionate about sustainability
Shared Value: To educate and inform as many organisations as possible as well as individuals
Do Not Know: How to get more engaged with all 17 areas of sustainability and how to apply them all to my business activities or consequences of those activities
Estimated Project Cost: 0
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-12-30
Share Your Ideas About SDG: Education - working on the project to support women in becoming more impactful and remarkable speakers as well as leaders through my program and establishing an association for women to connect globally.
Payment Option: No
Partnerships for the Goals
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Climate Action
Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Reduced Inequality
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Gender Equality
Quality Education
Good Health and Well-being
No Poverty
Life Below Water
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Affordable and Clean Energy
Clean Water and Sanitation
Zero Hunger
Full Name: A V James
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07724477788
Describe a Project: test
Business Risk: test
Shared Value: test
Do Not Know: test
Estimated Project Cost: 6389
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 9-3-2023
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Quality Education
Clean Water and Sanitation
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Affordable and Clean Energy
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Full Name: A V James
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07724477788
Describe a Project: test
Business Risk: test
Shared Value: test
Do Not Know: test
Estimated Project Cost: 6389
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 9-3-2023
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Quality Education
Clean Water and Sanitation
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Affordable and Clean Energy
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Full Name: A V JAMES
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07724477788
Describe a Project: test
Business Risk: test
Shared Value: test
Do Not Know: test
Estimated Project Cost: 6897
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 9-3-2023
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Quality Education
Clean Water and Sanitation
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Affordable and Clean Energy
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Full Name: A C James
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07724477788
Describe a Project: test
Business Risk: test
Shared Value: test
Do Not Know: test
Estimated Project Cost: 9568
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 10-3-2023
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Responsible Consumption and Production
Life on Land
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Full Name: A S James
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07724477788
Describe a Project: test
Business Risk: test
Shared Value: test
Do Not Know: test
Estimated Project Cost: 3500
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 22-3-2023
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test
Payment Option: No
Good Health and Well-being
Clean Water and Sanitation
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Life on Land
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Quality Education
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Gender Equality
Full Name: Mohamed Sabry El-Tawabty
Email Address:
Phone Number: +201068000262
Describe a Project: The impact of the dimensions of sustainable development and its objectives on the global economy between reality and expectations
Business Risk: Wars and conflicts and extreme poverty
Shared Value: Strengthening partnerships and international cooperation in order to achieve the UN goals of the 2030 vision for sustainable development
Do Not Know: Lack of strategic partnerships and funding to achieve goals
Estimated Project Cost: 500505
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2022-12-05
Share Your Ideas About SDG: Designing the Multidimensional Poverty Index to enrich the Sustainable Development Goals
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Full Name: Mohamed Sabry El-Tawabty
Email Address:
Phone Number: +201068000262
Describe a Project: Dr Mohamed El-Tawabty Eradicate environmental illiteracy Spreading environmental awareness and the importance of climate For all segments of society Volunteering to plant trees to improve the climate Working to eradicate extreme poverty Publish the design of the Multidimensional Poverty Index to enrich the Sustainable Development Goals And Work to develop education Using modern technology to enrich the sustainable development goals
Business Risk: No funding To achieve the international goals of the vision2030 And the lack of new strategic partnerships
Shared Value: It is time to work towards achieving the desired goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Sharing the three sectors Government sector and the private sector and civil society organizations What is called the golden triangle to achieve goals
Do Not Know: Why not use modern technology to further enrich the SDGs
Estimated Project Cost: 500000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-01-06
Share Your Ideas About SDG: The impact of the dimensions of sustainable development and its objectives on the global economy between reality and expectations
Payment Option: No
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Clean Water and Sanitation
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Reduced Inequality
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Gender Equality
Quality Education
Good Health and Well-being
Zero Hunger
No Poverty
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Full Name: Mohamed Sabry El-Tawabty
Email Address:
Phone Number: +201068000262
Describe a Project: Eradicate environmental illiteracy Spreading environmental awareness and the importance of climate For all segments of society Volunteering to plant trees to improve the climate Working to eradicate extreme poverty Publish the design of the Multidimensional Poverty Index to enrich the Sustainable Development Goals And Work to develop education Using modern technology to enrich the sustainable development goals
Business Risk: No funding To achieve the international goals of the vision2030 And the lack of new strategic partnerships
Shared Value: It is time to work towards achieving the desired goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Sharing the three sectors Government sector and the private sector and civil society organizations What is called the golden triangle to achieve goals
Do Not Know: Why not use modern technology to further enrich the SDGs
Estimated Project Cost: 500000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-01-06
Share Your Ideas About SDG: The impact of the dimensions of sustainable development and its objectives on the global economy between reality and expectations
Payment Option: No
Partnerships for the Goals
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Life on Land
Life Below Water
Climate Action
Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Reduced Inequality
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Affordable and Clean Energy
Clean Water and Sanitation
Gender Equality
Quality Education
Good Health and Well-being
Zero Hunger
No Poverty
Full Name: A James
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07724477788
Describe a Project: Test
Business Risk: Test
Shared Value: Test
Do Not Know: Test
Estimated Project Cost: 4320
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 13-4-2023
Share Your Ideas About SDG: Test
Payment Option: No
Partnerships for the Goals
Responsible Consumption and Production
Reduced Inequality
Affordable and Clean Energy
Good Health and Well-being
No Poverty
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Life on Land
Climate Action
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Affordable and Clean Energy
Quality Education
Zero Hunger
Life Below Water
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Clean Water and Sanitation
Gender Equality
Full Name: W James
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07724477788
Describe a Project: test
Business Risk: test
Shared Value: test
Do Not Know: test
Estimated Project Cost: 2300
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 1-5-2023
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test
Payment Option: No
Partnerships for the Goals
Life Below Water
Responsible Consumption and Production
Reduced Inequality
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Affordable and Clean Energy
Quality Education
Good Health and Well-being
No Poverty
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Life on Land
Climate Action
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Clean Water and Sanitation
Gender Equality
Quality Education
Good Health and Well-being
Zero Hunger
Full Name: W James
Email Address:
Phone Number: 0772447778
Describe a Project: test
Business Risk: test
Shared Value: test
Do Not Know: test
Estimated Project Cost: 2300
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 20-3-2023
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test
Payment Option: No
No Poverty
Gender Equality
Reduced Inequality
Responsible Consumption and Production
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Partnerships for the Goals
Zero Hunger
Quality Education
Affordable and Clean Energy
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Climate Action
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Good Health and Well-being
Clean Water and Sanitation
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Full Name: L James
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07724477788
Describe a Project: test
Business Risk: test
Shared Value: test
Do Not Know: test
Estimated Project Cost: 2300
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 12-4-2022
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test
Payment Option: No
Clean Water and Sanitation
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Climate Action
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Reduced Inequality
Responsible Consumption and Production
Life Below Water
Partnerships for the Goals
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Affordable and Clean Energy
Gender Equality
Full Name: L James
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07724477788
Describe a Project: test
Business Risk: test
Shared Value: test
Do Not Know: test
Estimated Project Cost: 2300
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 12-4-2022
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test
Payment Option: No
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Life on Land
Climate Action
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Clean Water and Sanitation
Zero Hunger
No Poverty
Partnerships for the Goals
Life Below Water
Responsible Consumption and Production
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Reduced Inequality
Quality Education
Good Health and Well-being
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Affordable and Clean Energy
Gender Equality
Full Name: Sian Young
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07484183568
Describe a Project: Complete creation of my Eco-Curious journey and start 200 business women on their way to sustainable life & business
Business Risk: Positive risk: to many customers, Negative no customers or funding to help development
Shared Value: Creating sustainable life & business
Do Not Know: n/a
Estimated Project Cost: £6000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-12-03
Share Your Ideas About SDG: Centre for sustainable action
Payment Option: No
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Affordable and Clean Energy
Zero Hunger
No Poverty
Partnerships for the Goals
Life on Land
Life Below Water
Climate Action
Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Reduced Inequality
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Clean Water and Sanitation
Gender Equality
Quality Education
Good Health and Well-being
Full Name: Lowellyne James
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07724477788
Describe a Project: test
Business Risk: test
Shared Value: test
Do Not Know: test
Estimated Project Cost: £6000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-03-10
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test
Payment Option: No
Partnerships for the Goals
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Gender Equality
No Poverty
Affordable and Clean Energy
Clean Water and Sanitation
Good Health and Well-being
Zero Hunger
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Reduced Inequality
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Quality Education
Full Name: Lowellyne James
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07724477788
Describe a Project: test
Business Risk: test
Shared Value: test
Do Not Know: test
Estimated Project Cost: £6000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-03-05
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test
Payment Option: No
Gender Equality
No Poverty
Clean Water and Sanitation
Good Health and Well-being
Zero Hunger
Life on Land
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
Life Below Water
Climate Action
Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Reduced Inequality
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Affordable and Clean Energy
Quality Education
Full Name: Lowellyne James
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07724477788
Describe a Project: Test
Business Risk: Test
Shared Value: Test
Do Not Know: Test
Estimated Project Cost: £6000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-08-10
Share Your Ideas About SDG: Test
Payment Option: No
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Life on Land
Responsible Consumption and Production
Good Health and Well-being
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Gender Equality
No Poverty
Reduced Inequality
Life Below Water
Climate Action
Zero Hunger
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Quality Education
Partnerships for the Goals
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Full Name: Lowellyne
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07724477788
Describe a Project: TEST
Business Risk: TEST
Shared Value: test
Do Not Know: test
Estimated Project Cost: £6000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-02-24
Share Your Ideas About SDG: Test
Payment Option: No
Partnerships for the Goals
Responsible Consumption and Production
Reduced Inequality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Gender Equality
Zero Hunger
No Poverty
Life on Land
Life Below Water
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Affordable and Clean Energy
Quality Education
Good Health and Well-being
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Climate Action
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Full Name: Lowellyne
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07724477788
Describe a Project: TEST
Business Risk: TEST
Shared Value: test
Do Not Know: test
Estimated Project Cost: £6000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-02-24
Share Your Ideas About SDG: Test
Payment Option: No
Partnerships for the Goals
Reduced Inequality
Responsible Consumption and Production
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Zero Hunger
No Poverty
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Affordable and Clean Energy
Quality Education
Good Health and Well-being
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Climate Action
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Full Name: Lowellyne James
Email Address:
Phone Number: 07724477788
Describe a Project: test
Business Risk: test
Shared Value: test
Do Not Know: test
Estimated Project Cost: £6000
Implements: Environmental Impact, Stakeholder Impact, Cost Impact, Innovation Impact,
Set project(s) or activity completion date: 2023-02-27
Share Your Ideas About SDG: test
Payment Option: No
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Climate Action
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Quality Education
No Poverty
Responsible Consumption and Production
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Gender Equality
Zero Hunger
Partnerships for the Goals
Clean Water and Sanitation
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Good Health and Well-being